Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Theaters.. and it's Heroes....

My Theaters.. and it's Heroes....

“What you do is what matters, not what you think or say or plan.” Jason Fried, Rework

My Mod Bentall & Total Arch replacement .. one of the most difficult, complicated yet high risk surgical procedures

My OR, about 15minutes before I started

operating theatre, operating room (OR) or operating suite, is a 
operating theatre, operating room (OR) or operating suite, is a facility within a hospital where surgical operations are carried out in a sterile environment. Historically, the term “operating theatre” referred to a non-sterile, tiered theater or amphitheater in which students and other spectators could watch surgeons.

My work... well, you can say it’s my life.. were in a 80metres square room full of dedicated and sophisticated surgical equipment

My First heros.. The one who work closer to my field. The one who first came and last came out from my operating room. And never forgot to mention, the one who teach me most of the basic procedural in my surgery
Agus... with his serious face where working hand in hand with my resident/fellow. Even thou it was a "simple" operation... most of the time the procedires still involeving sophisticated device which onlu could be mastered by dedicated OR nurse.

Scrub Nurse also called operating room, OR or perioperative nurses care for patients in the fascinating, fast-paced surgical environment. In a setting where every second counts, some times they serve as the only surgeon’s primary assistant and work closely with their team members to make each procedure safe and successful. They also provide much-appreciated comfort and reassurance to patients before and after the operation

Perfusionist...a specialized healthcare professional who uses the heart-lung machine during cardiac surgery to manage the patient’s physiological status. The perfusionist is a highly trained member of the cardiothoracic surgical team which consists of cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, physician assistants, surgical technologists, and nurses. The perfusionist is solely responsible for the management of the physiological and metabolic needs of the cardiac surgical patient so that the cardiac surgeon may operate on a still, unbeating heart. This is accomplished through the utilization of the heart-lung machine, as well as its associated components of an oxygenator, filters, reservoirs and tubing. The perfusionist is responsible for the management of circulatory and respiratory functions of the patient which has a great effect on the patient systemic condition and allows the cardiac surgeon to focus on the actual surgical procedure and less on the immediate needs of the patient.
Ida & Koeswara... conducting a complicated perfusion procedures for me.

Cardiac Anesthesiologist a subspeciality of the medical practice of anesthesiology devoted to the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care of adult patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery and related invasive procedures. It deals with the anesthesia aspects of care related to surgical cases such as, but not limited to, open heart surgery, lung surgery, and other operations of the human chest. These aspects include perioperative care with expert manipulation of patient cardiopulmonary physiology through precise and advanced application of pharmacology, resuscitative techniques, critical care medicine, and invasive procedures. This also includes management of the cardiopulmonary bypass (heart-lung) machine, which most cardiac procedures require intraoperatively while the heart undergoes surgical correction

My fellow CV anesthesiologist... desperately consult to his attending
Mr Adi.. TEE& CV anesthetist specialist ...Images à la Sauvette ...THE DECISIVE MOMENT...... silent time during TEE evaluation by TEE master after Heart Valve Operation / Defect Closure by Master Surgeon... on the back ground.. Mr Bagus ,CV surgeon, was watching

Others.... never knew their face nor names... One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others....I know that silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.. so.... 

After the last and before the next surgery...
I'm thankful to him for having a environment that's been comfortable for me. He's been there from the time I was a trainee to even now with my fellow resident helping with my own surgery. It's worth more than words could ever describe. That's one of the ways I've been able to stay grounded is thanks to him.
thank you my friends

thank you my friends..

Mrs Euis...My fellows trainee said...."As surgeons sometimes we forget to thank people like him, after surgery's done we rushed out to rest or to the ICU, leaving a trail of catastrophies in the OR, as a result of 'our battle'. There are people who also got their part in the battle, yet hardly appreciated. These people cleaning up all those mess and preparing the room for the next. 
To think again, there might not be any surgery without them cleaning the room first... 
Guess we should appreciate them more, not just at the OR, but everywhere

So, thank you janitors everywhere,
for your cleaning services...
And thank you dr Dicky A Wartono for this heart touching pic that instantly poked my heart....."

Fellow... whether it was anestethist or surgery... was always our most important team crue

Our resident n nurses, hand in and in training & learning

Mrs Tenty.. our chief administrator, my friend & my teacher

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in tired hearts.

Mrs Endah.... My most senior female nurses & my teacher.... smiling face of her were always relieving... even after tiredfull aortic surgery

Koeswara & Ida...professionally matched couple.. Smile after her first Perfusion job for complicated Arch Surgery

Mrs Cindy.. the seniormost female CV anestesiologist... Smile for succesfull Aortic dissection Surgery

Poetry.. my Little sister... my CV perfusionist, smile after a successfull coming off bypass

Irza... one of my Scrub nurse... smile after succesfull ComplicatedAortic surgery

Mrs Icha.. my anesthetist with her generous smile before surgery..which most of the time encourage us ,surgeons, to do our best

Hendra... young scrub nurse.. His mask cannot hide his wide smiling faces after a tiredfull emergency surgery

The first sign of a successfull Cardiovascular operation, were felt in the smile from the tiredfull OR staff’s faces.... thank you Guys...

dedicated to all my friends in life. Your excellent works are meaningfull for my road success

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